Tuesday, June 22, 2010

LAST analysis of political/social/personal news item


  1. Source:

    These weeks article really spoke to me, it dealt with the increase of more women in politics. I was excited to read the article but questioned its actual intent because the link on feministing.com stated “an increase of conservative women in politics”. The word conservative “rubbed” me the wrong way since I pair a negative connotation with the word. After reading the article I was able to understand that what they meant as conservative was not the idea that I first feared. The article pointed out that historically women in politics focused on “women’s issues” or gender-based issues. Currently the women that are getting into politics or attaining roles in our political system are trying to focus on economic based issues. I feel like this article pointed out a valid point that women are expected to join politics and discuss abortion and know very little about economics or taxes. Having a new group of women that are showing that women can contribute in all aspect on government/politics is extremely positive. I also believe that having women that are working on economic issues in no way devalues the interest of women who are fighting for “women’s issue”. In order to create change and have policies that support our wants and needs we need women to be included in all aspects of our political system, and showcase the equality among genders.

  2. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,942513,00.html

    I loved this article. I know the assignment usually calls for a current article but this was such a great article to read. What made it great is that had I not looked at the year I would not have known it was written in 1972 until the line about Johnny Carson. Often in class we talk about how slow progress has seemed. This article illustrates both the leaps in feminism that have been made and the sluggish pace at which some parts of this country are moving forward with feminism. As I read the description of this small town filled with small minds I couldn't help but think how these exact interviews could be conducted today. A reporter could go to small town USA and ask the same questions and still hear derogatory comments about women and their roles.At the same time last year IOWA, where the small town this interview was conducted is located, became the first Midwestern state to allow same-sex marriage. The article provides hope for the future of feminism by touching on the small steps that were being taken in the town including the opening up of a day care. I chuckled at the line after that explained how it shut down to lack of business,like I said- baby steps. My favorite was the last line when the cheerleader's friend corrects her statement about wanting to marry a millionaire and encourages to want to become one. Often as activists we get bogged down by the slow pace of progress. That line reminds me that with every generation we move forward a little quicker and I have faith that we will reach our full sprint.

  3. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,942513,00.html

    I loved this article. I know the assignment usually calls for a current article but this was such a great article to read. What made it great is that had I not looked at the year I would not have known it was written in 1972 until the line about Johnny Carson. Often in class we talk about how slow progress has seemed. This article illustrates both the leaps in feminism that have been made and the sluggish pace at which some parts of this country are moving forward with feminism. As I read the description of this small town filled with small minds I couldn't help but think how these exact interviews could be conducted today. A reporter could go to small town USA and ask the same questions and still hear derogatory comments about women and their roles.At the same time last year IOWA, where the small town this interview was conducted is located, became the first Midwestern state to allow same-sex marriage. The article provides hope for the future of feminism by touching on the small steps that were being taken in the town including the opening up of a day care. I chuckled at the line after that explained how it shut down to lack of business,like I said- baby steps. My favorite was the last line when the cheerleader's friend corrects her statement about wanting to marry a millionaire and encourages to want to become one. Often as activists we get bogged down by the slow pace of progress. That line reminds me that with every generation we move forward a little quicker and I have faith that we will reach our full sprint.

  4. Source: http://www.alternet.org/economy/147290/obama%27s_approach_to_jobs_is_out_of_touch_with_reality/
    “Obama's Approach to Jobs Is Out of Touch with Reality”
    The title says it all. President Obama is not doing enough to help recover the American economy. What we need right now is a heavy dose of Keynesian economics, otherwise known as deficit spending. Just like during the Great Depression and WWII, the federal government needs to pump as much money into different programs in order to stimulate the economy and encourage consumer spending. My guess at why he’s being hesitant is that it really is a hard sales pitch. He’s afraid that people will see him as out of touch or stupid. To the average American, it obviously appears counter intuitive to spend more money than you have and to cause more deficits. They base this on common sense and their own personal experience with finance. But many times common sense fails us. Comparing government spending and deficits to a business or household is like comparing apples to oranges. No one wants deficits if they can avoid it, but there are some good and necessary programs that cause deficits (e.g. social security, education, health care, etc.) If you cut those programs you would instantly hurt millions of Americans. Keynesian economics is a valid theory supported by empirical evidence. Obama needs to use his bully pulpit to clearly explain to Americans exactly what deficit spending is, acknowledge how it might not make sense to some, but then explain why they are wrong and why it is the right thing to do. Instead of that, he gives out piecemeal legislation like the stimulus bill, and then continues to decry the deficit. As the author puts it, Obama’s governing problem is that he wants to have it both ways so that he can appear bipartisan. But how’s that working out for him?

  5. http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/americas/06/23/mexico.train.death/index.html

    This was such a compelling article for me to read about the dangerous trek and heartbreak faced while escaping towards “El Norte” towards the American Dream. It is interesting to view the perspective of new impoverished migrants attempting to travel to American on the train and to hear from the Mexican counsel who denounces the “American Dream” and the train that carries them there. It’s sickening to know that people work and struggle all of their lives overseas to make six dollars a day, 24 hours, whereas in the United States of America our hourly minimum wage is significantly higher. Instead of imposing all of these strict immigration laws, why can’t we focus on giving aid to countries in need? Why is the concept of selflessness and altruism so hard to grasp and apply? Our view of the world is so corrupt and skewed. We believe Africa is the only continent ailing around the world, which is quite the contrary. Parts of Central America are just as impoverished and in need of our support as well.

    Reading articles like this help to keep me grounded, and have a better appreciation for my life and my family. There are times where I hate going to work or going to class, but this helps me realize that I have overcome insurmountable obstacles and statistics just to be where I am. It is apparent from this article that people are willing to lose limbs, be separated from their family and even die to have a small piece of what I and many others have been afforded.
    "This is an interminable exodus. It never ends. But I'm sure they're going to make history," he said. "They're going to rebuild America, and maybe it will be an America with a Latino heartbeat."

    I thought this quote was inspiring and a great way to sum up the article and sentiments of the migrants/immigrants. Their trek on the “The Beast” train is an endless exodus, but their unwavering hope for something better will guide them towards the American dream they so desperately seek and deserve.
