Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Master PLAN POWER POINT information


  1. Outline

    I. Intro

    a. Problem
    b. Mission
    c. Vision

    II. Importance

    Benefits of adequate and affordable child care for
    a. Students
    b. Faculty
    c. Children

    III. Background

    a. Florida Universities with Child Care
    b. Creative School
    i. Why it rocks
    ii. Where it falls short

    IV. Funding

    a. community partners (state the case for potential community partners/list of current ones)
    b. Grants
    c. Fee
    i. tuition fee for students
    ii. sliding scale fee breakdown

    V. Present Action
    a. Surveys- Presentation

    VI. Future Action
    a. SGA Resolution
    b. Faculty Senate Resolution
    c. Board of Trustees Presentation in March
    d. Presentation for Provost and President

  2. III. Background

    B. Creative School

    i. Why it rocks

    ii. Where it falls short

    The Creative School for children at the University of Central Florida was established in 1976, and would grow to become a "leader and model in the state for early childhood development." Thirty years later, the Creative School lives up to the following:

    "# To provide a safe, secure and happy place for your children while you are attending class, studying or working.

    # To create an environment that will educationally challenge children to grow and develop in basic skills and understanding of life and the world in which they live.

    # To provide an opportunity for university students to receive experience and training in working with young children.

    # To provide an opportunity for faculty and graduate students to conduct educational research"

    The school employs "early childhood professionals with 12-25 years experience."

    Provides a setting for other research departments at UCF.

    The Creative School at UCF has been "accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, which is considered the highest accrediting association for child care centers."

    "Only nine percent of the nation's centers have been accredited by the NAEYC."

    With all these admirable achievements, the Creative School still only accepts children ages 2-5, and does not provide for infant care.

    I am also planning on adding their hour situation, I am being careful on the criticisms. I will add more in the next day, thank you again Peter for making the powerpoint.


  3. Problem: This is a very exciting time of the UCF community. We are the 3rd largest university and forging ahead with new academic and social initiatives. In the current situation, UCF doesn't provide any support for students, faculty, and staff for children under the age of 2 (still in diapers). The students are on a budget and can't afford daycare outside of the university that is currently available to them.

    Mission: Provide affordable, nurturing, and adequate child care for children under 2 (still in diapers). Through the facility we can develop social, behavioral, and cognitive growth among the future community of UCF.

  4. Link for whoever will be talking about grants
